Wednesday, September 2, 2009

There is not one reason on earth to harm a child for money or power.

War, what is it good for?
"Our country and our families and our children and our relations with people in other countrys should always reflect family values, peace and prosperity and respect for mother earth" --Dan Williams
  The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.  --Albert Einstein
Disclaimer: in these pages you will see me blast politicians, and the Cia;  most took office or a military career or a professional career to make the United States safe  and to make the world a better place, a safe haven from war; it is those that use their office, or career, paid for by the working men and women that have built our country from the ground up; destroy everything that is good. "Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it." - Abraham Lincoln, February 27th, 1860
Our president is on drugs and these are his words: “It's unacceptable to think,"
Some might wonder what caused me to go to the effort to put together these web pages that go against public opinion.
It started several years ago, 2001, when I read a little byline inside the local newspaper that told of US and British fighter jets bombing 1 some kids to death and maiming some of them for life. They were playing soccer on a nice summer day; just a little byline inside the front page, nothing major. Years later I found an account from a BBC correspondent that was in Baghdad that day , she had heard the news on the radio that the United States and Briton had flown another sorty over the city and had bombed some kids. She raced to the hospital and found that the news was right. The kids who survived lost legs, arms and eyes. She later interviewed one of the British pilots and asked him why he did it. He responded: "they deserved it".....laughing. This is just one of thousands of articles about bombing children. 2 3 4 5 6

If your country was really there to help the people, why would you bomb them to death?
When was the last time you bombed your neighbor to help him?
I started reading all across the internet...........Aol Time-Warner is the largest media monopoly in the world;  it should have never been allowed, they tell us what they want us to see, read , and hear,.........the Time-Warner family consists of most of the television stations, radio stations, newspapers, and magazines that we listen to in the United States. Alexander Haig 2 3 was on the board of directors of Aol Time-Warner, was Colin Powell at one time. Why did two former Secretary's of State have positions that could influence the news media?   It is all in family values.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

One of the subsidiary's of Aol, another huge media conglomerate that influences how we think is Fox News. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Another subsidiary is Netscape; I remember looking at their home page maybe two years ago and there was a five day, five part series entitled: "How to cheat on your spouse". 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 More Lies
Another influence on how we think is the Washington Post owned by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Drugs
Time Life Incorporated also has an influence on the way we see things. Joe Kennedy once paid Henry Luce $75,000 to put Jack Kenney on the cover of Time magazine. Dan Rather seemed to be a friend of George Bush's, another influence. If George Bush, Colin Powell, Mitch Daniels, and Kenneth Lay, were on the board of directors of Eli Lilly, a huge pharmaceutical manufactor, can we trust them? 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Everyone knows that mercury is  healthy, all of us take it to promote our health. Here is the president when he was in college.

I remember seeing the picture of the Iraqi womans farm by a river and how the American planes strafed her farm and killed her children and farm animals. She wants to talk to the pilots. I remembered how Unocal started an oil line spanning the country of Afghanistan and that the Taliban were not cooperating). (Read page 46 detailing how the people of Afghanistan helped the US in the cold war.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next stage:  war, bombing the Taliban with their machine guns mounted in the back of Toyotas.  Bombing Red Cross shelters, not once, but twice. Killing innocent men, women, and children.
I remember seeing the pictures of the babies born after the war in Afghanistan............................
Their mothers contracted radioactive poisoning from our plutonium shells exploding all over their country.
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The nicest picture was the baby born with one huge eyeball in the center of his forehead, do not want those children to be your children.
Now, it is becoming common  knowledge that our soldiers and the british soldiers and their wives and children are also suffering from radiationpoisoning from this and previous wars. The 11,000 Americans soldiers who have died from uranium poisening are not suffering anymore. Crimes against humanity is called treason. More crimes against humanity.

As Josh, a war veteran told me: "I have a video of a plutonium shell hitting a tank, it goes through the armor so fast that the people inside are sucked out like spaghetti". I remember seeing on "60 Minutes", how truck drivers were trained to use Uzzi's, a rapid fire machinegun  to protect them from terrorists. Their job was to haul radioactive plutonium to Texas, you know Texas..................Maybe my memory fails me. They drove big trucks, Autocars I believe, maybe Marmons, the most customized trucks in the United States of America, with bulletproof glass, with an escort of Fbi agents. Did they get protected from the radiation? I do not think so. The Dot handbook that I carry as a truck driver states that any radioactive agent must be at least twenty feet away from the front of the trailer. Do you want to be beside a radioactive trailer at  a traffic light?   Those truck drivers made ten dollars an hour and at that time it was a lousy wage for a man to do what they did for a living...........I wonder if they are still alive after all the radiation poisoning. 2 3 4 5
The British Royal family has a six billion dollar investment in uranium. Many American companys are involved in the manufacture of WMD.

A man who served our country and who has painful leg injurys from the war told me: "I was a child living in New Mexico when the government did a nuclear test and the dust drifted downwind; bone cancer turns your bones to mush". 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
The night manager here told me about another tenant , 51 years old, dying of cancer, good outlook, said that he grew up in Ely, Nevada and they used to watch the mushroom clouds down by Las Vegas and he would ask his mother if it was okay to play in the dirt as it glowed in the dark; she said it was okay. "
"Commission officials seemed surprised when a few days following the tests, they received reports of radioactive snow
(Page 47) falling in the midwestern and northeastern United States."

I remember two years ago, seeing a picture of a naval ship on the front page of a newspaper and the front page story was about how newly released documents told how the US tried out nerve gas on its own naval personnel thirty years ago. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I remember how I was told that I should go up to Umatilla, Oregon  to the nerve gas depot to look for a job dismantling the tons and tons of nerve gas stored there. The whole town has been issued gas masks for years, but the government does not really know what they are doing, as they have never had their act together in the first place. After all these years, and we still have nerve gas, mustard gas, the government tells us it is an irritant,...... it kills! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Why would the United States sell anthrax to Iraq? 2 3 4 5. Why does Halliburton sell nuclear components to Iran?
Why did Dick Cheney's company exploit the oil for food program? Why would Halliburton sell Iraq and Libya equipment that could be used to detonate nuclear weapons? What are these guys going to do with all that money?
I remember the same guy telling me not to let my daughter and my nephew swim in the Columbia river because his kids contracted a rash from the leaking plutonium containers stored underwater near the Tri-Cities; .........they do not know what to do with them.........2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
I remember how he and his wife told me that the lake we were at way up in the mountains was the cleanest one they had camped at and that they had taken their new trailer to thirty lakes the previous summer..........I would not swim in that lake, in Oregon,..... no less. Something about global warming, lots of algae. 2

Donald Rumsfeld and retired Admiral Crowe sure know how to make money.
I remember my mom returning from Thailand two years ago with postcards from a little kid who was a cult hero cause of his little sister: her picture made the Time-Life picture of the year during the Vietnam War. Mom says that the people do not hate us. The picture was of the girl running naked, screaming from the napalm that was burning her friends and family alive. Some say it was the Americans, some say it was the enemy strayed off course. How do you forgive anyone for burning your friends and family alive? Don't they remember?
I remember that my high school history teacher told us that there was a congressional inquiry into why we were in Vietnam.
The reason was simple: we wanted their rubber trees. The truth will set us free.
I remember my friend Rick who survived over one month on Hamburger Hill in Vietnam.
He told me that it was horrible, his stories were just beyond my imagination. He came back to "his" country , to those who did not really know what went on in Vietnam. His leather jacket was covered in embroidered patches of his battles and he survived. His girlfriend left him while he was gone fighting America's battles, and married a neighbor, and when he told me the horrible stories, I just looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights..........duh!.........just another dumb American. Rick came down the mountain one afternoon and crashed his Honda Civic and when that did not work....,in a pool of gasoline, he flicked his bic...he lit himself on fire and died a burning death, just like being home. Rick was good people. 2 3 4
I remember my friend Ron, he had white hair, a butch haircut, long, long beard, just like the ZZTop guys, tattoo's
everywhere; his best friend was his dog who rode beside him in the passenger seat in an old green Kenworth. After losing
his dog at a truck stop down in Arizona, Ron finally found his partner after one month of putting up reward posters in
three states; his dog slinked up to him on his belly across the same parking lot of the truck stop where Ron had lost him;
Ron told me that his dog would not talk to him for weeks later; thought Ron had abandoned him. One night down in Phoenix,
Arizona, Ron bought us a big prime rib dinner and a 50 dollar bottle of wine.
When the oriental waitress asked if we wanted anything else, Ron said: "You would look good under a bomb"
A year later, I heard that Ron had committed suicide.

I remember my friend Tim. When his son would not stop for the MP's over in Hawaii; he was climbing a fence to sneak into town to go partying, kinda like his dad, kinda like a kid who was nineteen years old,they shot and killed him. Last I heard about Tim was that he was homeless and had broken his leg running from the railroad cops. I remember a bunch of young Marines going into the hills over here and shooting a bunch of wild horses; front page news for a long time; they got prison sentences.
I remember another guy from high school who told me how he would go into the enemy camp (in Vietnam) at night and with two men to a pup tent he would slit every other guys throat, the fear factor thing. Many of us got to have fun out of high school, but the guys who went to Vietnam did not have our kind of fun.
I remember the college girl killed during the Vietnam war. She was exercising her right as an American to Freedom of Speech. 2 3
I remember working very hard during the summers for two dollars an hour and room and board on my grandparents farm, and partying till the cows came home, during the Vietnam war, did not have a clue that americans and the enemy were burning everything in sight with napalm and dropping tons of agent orange to defoliate the forest which is still poisoning the country now. 2 3 4 5 67
I remember how the USA found empty five foot long shell casings that were capable of shooting over one hundred miles and how Iraq was guilty of something for having little five foot long empty shell casings, We all know that the missiles fired from US aircraft carriers cost over three million dollars apiece and can travel just a little bit farther. 2 3 4 5
Just recently, in Israel, the tanks bought and paid for with US tax dollars "roughly three billion dollars a year", ran over a twenty three year old girl from the United States, she was a college girl, she was protesting war...they crushed the life out of her; according to news releases, the operater of the Cat could not see her.
In Israel, tanks shot the brick in front of a twenty three year old war protester with large rounds, another American, another college student, they blew off his face.
Israel, with our tax dollars, approximately 3 billion dollars a year, keeps sending bombs and death into Palestine. They kill our young people with our money and yet those same tank commanders may have had their own parents burned in the ovens by Hitler. Don't they remember?

"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths," Barbara Bush said on ABC's "Good Morning America" on March 18, 2003.
"Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"
I remember my friend's Don and Donna, a happily married couple. Don protested the Vietnam War and they told him they would throw him into prison.  Don told the government that he would enlist as a medic to help the wounded soldiers and they told him that was not possible, that he had to be a soldier and kill other people, so Don ran away to Canada as a draft dodger and when their little boy Suede, their only son, I think he was three years old, slipped in the bathtub, and got a black eye, the "government " took Suede away, saying that Donna had caused his black eye. Donna had already lost her husband and loved her son, she did not hurt her son.
I am under the strong impression that my friends never saw their son again....I pray that I am wrong...
(Donna was very mad at me because I did not attend a peace rally downtown.....she had every right to be mad).
I try to tell someone, usually a stranger about these pages maybe once a week, or maybe once every two weeks and have met two men who got angry, because, their friends or relatives were killed by little girls riding bicycles who threw hand grenades at them; how in heaven's name do you fight back from billions of dollars of bombs and and napalm dropped on your village, your neighbors, and maybe your family are blown to pieces or burnt alive, screaming in pain, little girls throwing grenades is not the American way, it is the way of the good ol boys club; I call them the little girls club because they do not know or care that their actions affect all people in our world, we are all connected, we are all one.
The ones who declare these wars never go to war, nor do they send their children.

I remember, several years ago, at a state fair, talking to a vendor and he told me that he had been high up on the intelligence ladder of war and that he was in the Pentagon one time when they were showing videos from bombers bombing Vietnam villages and all the men were clapping and cheering and slapping each other on the back. Can you say: Macho, macho man? (pretty darn awesome when American military might, billions of our tax dollars, airplanes from above, can kill innocent people tending rice paddies, opium farms, whatever). I remember President Reagan on television; he was explaining to the American public, in his low, condescending voice, how we needed to support more bombers; the television would show something like two bombers against a red background, then something like five, to depict the increase; thank goodness for the pictures,... the math would have been too intense. By the end of the Vietnam War the U.S. military had dropped more than 7 million tons of bombs-- more than twice the total tonnage dropped on Europe and Asia during all of World War 2--on a country roughly the size of New Mexico. This is almost one 500 pound bomb for every man, woman, and child in the country.
My own uncle, Bob was a pacifist but enlisted in the Navy and was the hero of a comic book series for sinking three German submarines from an airplane,... the Germans, oops!....I mean, their leader was an enemy.
I know that I am over simplifying things; every veteran will tell you that if you do not kill them, they will kill you, but I would bet you that if the guys had a choice, they would prefer to drink beer together. Every single guy I have ever met that spent time in Germany in peace time, loved it and that was all they wanted to talk about.
In Iraq, there is a cave with the outlines of one thousand, five hundred men, women, and children burned on the walls.
They say that you can still peel their skin from the walls. They say that most of the people were children;
we did this, the United States of America;........ we, a union under God, allowed our soldiers to burn those people's souls into the walls of a cave..........please look at that picture again...they were killed while trying to hide from multimillion dollar planes carrying multimillion dollar weaponry. (How did they get targeted? Remember? The inspectors? Cia agents who were checking for wmd? well, every single cell phone has to be gps enabled, why?, because our government, the FCC says so, and when they checked the caves for wmd, they set the coordinates for laser guided bombs to hit the shelter. The previous sentence is just my own personal opinion, and our Cia agents were not in on the massacre of innocent civilians. Do you remember the videos that showed how precise these missles can be? Remember the video of one flying between buildings in Afghanistan?
Remember? I do. The newspapers always call them insurgents, or extremists. Here is the correct definition of insurgent.

I remember maybe four or five years ago seeing the BBC web pages that showed pictures of Americans visiting the dying children in Iraq and reading about the doctors crying as they told how those children could have been saved if the US sanctions committee had allowed them regulators for their oxygen bottles or twenty five dollars worth of medicine. Can anyone please tell me why, after destroying Iraq's water treatment plants, sewage plants, roads, and entire infrastructure during  the Gulf War, why they were denied the tools, machinery, and parts to rebuild for twelve long years of suffering. We were told that the sanctions would hurt Saddam. Why did between 600,00 and 1.2 million children have to suffer and die??
We were told in reference to destroying the infrastructure:  "that is what you do in war". Why? 2
Just something to remember...........Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator, but before he started the Gulf War, he provided his people (members of the Baath party) with free health care and  a free college education; Iraq had more Phd's than any nation on earth, and according to the World Health Organization,  the children off Iraq were at risk because they were obese just like our children in the United States.
I remember having some beers with a guy who worked in Alaska for a major oil company; his job was to sit at a computer and direct the drill bit in the search for oil; he told me that he could send that bit sideways and up and down; can drill well over a mile;  said that it was so barren up there that one guy had to be flown out in a straight jacket and that he personally was in great pain from a back injury. 2 3 4
It was a subsidiary of Halliburton that sold the technology to the Saudi's to slant drill for oil under the border into Iraq.
The General in the Gulf Wars, General Schwarzkopf 2 thinks different about the invasion of Iraq. 2
I was told that the United States military under the command of the General destroyed all weapons of mass destruction after the Gulf War; somebody prove my friend wrong.
The United States should have a strong defense but I have to wonder why our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, and almost every country in the world are not always at war with other countrys. Could it have anything to do with the fact that people in other country's are held accountable for their actions and that the military industrial complex does not run the government with all of their big money lobbyists? Naaaaah........... Do you think?

The Geneva Convention was drafted by people around the world who care; when will the superpowers show respect for a document that was drafted to control the horrors of war? There is a who's who in America that lies for money and power and they do not care how they get it. This one man tells a truth that all generations should know. These are the hypocrites who promote war, they have never gotten callous's on their hands from working for a living. Our Secretary of Defense also had an interesting roommate named Frank Carlucci. 2
The United States sells arms to 26 countries banned by the Geneva Convention. Why? 2 3 Some people like to play both sides.
It is our leaders that start the wars that kill us, our neighbors, our children; in a land known as the cradle of the civilization of man. Doesn't anyone remember?

Everything I read about the Muslim religion tells me that they practice peace, and tolerance. They practice it every single minute of their lives. There is an old saying that there have been more people killed in the name of Christianity than any other belief;... why?
I know that the Taliban were cruel to women, and anyone who knows what it really is like over there, please tell me what these people of Islam are really like.
You cannot condemn any one religion for the actions of a few. Any man who uses religion to control his wife, his children, his country, or anyone else is not a thinking man, he does not use common sense, he just uses someone else's words for his own selfish use.
Life is meant to be lived with love and caring and consideration and respectfor your fellow man and woman and child.
My country, the United States of America used to be looked up to as a leader in the free world; if our president who sent our young people off to battle can ban the media from showing the coffins of our returning soldiers, then one of the most basic freedoms we enjoy, that of Freedom of Speech has been destroyed.

Those who have shown disregard for the Constitution of the United States, the union of family; those that have shown disregard for the people who have built this country from the ground up, those who destroy the environment, those who destroy the American way of life are those that have never been a productive American; they are destroying our country from the top down. If the United States government is just in all of its wars, don't you think that they should support the veterans?
As the Marines say: semper fi, all together, or always faithful.
War affects everyone but those who start the wars. 2 3 4 5 6 7
I think it was Abe Lincoln who said: "right is right, and wrong is wrong". 2 3 4 5 6
(Cocaine and boy prostitutes do not belong in the White House)
The good ol boy's network from Texas just cannot seem to help themselves. 2  Stansfield Turner stood up for what is right, but apparently money means more to some people than the law, any sense of humanity, and the Geneva Convention. 2
These people get paid to think and always seem to profit.
Torture 2 3 4 5 is the highest form of sadomasochism. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Doesn't anyone remember when Hitler's lieutenant's would have a prisoner of war's cojone's cut off and use that man as his mistress? 2 3
When are the people who show disrespect to the people who live on this earth going to be held accountable for all they have done to destroy our rights to:
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?  Does anyone remember this old saying?: "Thou shalt not kill"... Remember?

Unfortunately nothing has changed since 1936, and Jane can tell you why. 2 I remember  turning on the TV, and the Nazi's in that old black and white movie were slapping each other on the back for all the people they had killed and one guy was really special, they were proud of him being called the Butcher. After that, one of the Nazi's was trying to get an American woman to be a spy for them and he told her: "We are just like other people; we just want to be happy, happy" Last year, at a local bar, a woman told me a cool story; she said: "My son spent his first two years in a Veterans's hospital; he was a beautiful child, blond hair and blue eyes so everyone catered to him and carried him around unlike the less fortunate children. He had never spoken a word, and one day, when I bent down to him, he squished my mouth and said: "Mommy, YOUR DESPICABLE!" He had been watching Daffy Duck on TV. Today, he is healthy and has his own family".

Children's blood will never make oil, no matter how many thousands of years that you wait; conservation is the key.
Our children are our future, they are the lifeblood that is us; they are our reason for living.
One more thing Mr. Bush, just a simple little question? Okay? Are you listening?
You and your friends, well, your good buddys, 2 3 4 your father 2 3 and the prime minister of Britain who started the sanctions that have killed over one million children in the last 14 years, well,...........can I ask you one question?
Why were you in a Florida classroom talking to children when the planes hit the world trade center?
I thought you did not like children?
As 23 year old veteran of Kosovo and Bosnia told me: "Nonviolence is the answer". 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Love is all that we have,
Dan Williams

(graphic image)
talking heads

Bush, Blair, Cheney, Corruption, Rumsfeld, Plutonium Poisoning, Uranium Poisoning,
War Profiteers, Lowlife Criminals, DU, Children, Smart Bombs, Nsa, Army, Navy, Air Force, Osi, Firemen, 911, Twin Towers, World Trade Center, Cluster Bombs, Napalm, Daisy Cutters, White Phosphorous, Fallujah, Iraq, Iran, Isreal, Palestine, Democrats, Republicans, Green Party, Progressive Party, Independent, Randi Rhodes, Molly Ivans, Al Franken, Jim Hightower, Congress, Senate, Wolfowitz, Karl Rove, Richard Perle, Anthrax, Hate, Death, War, Profiteers, Liars, Impeach, George Orwell, Leo Strauss, Skull and Bones, Book and Snake, Secret Societies, Cocaine, Cia, Saudis, Shell, Exxon, Chevron, Nuclear, Bohemain, Jets, vietnam veterans, korea veterans, kosovo veterans, serbia veterans, gulf war veterans, world war 2 veterans, iraq veterans, conspiracy, saudi arabia, dresser industries, cocaine, methamphetamine, boodle boys, elite, laos, cambodia, shah, khun sa, heroin, peace, media control, mk ultra, brain washing, black box voting, vote, cheat, jeb bush, bucky bush, porter goss, karl rove, jack abramoff, venice, flying school, mohammad atta, hijackers, corporations, corporate, prison, prisoners rights, bill of rights, life liberty pursuit of happiness, declaration of independence, thomas jefferson, eisenhower, military industial, complex, jews, jewish, mossad, mafia, jack kennedy, joe kennedy, food packets, talking heads, groupthink, hitler, fbi, cia, richard perle, angle drilling, kuwait, baghdad, bombing children soccer, bombing children, radio, newspaper, television, magazines, rummy, rumsfeld, general, tommy franks, devil, du, depleted uranium, radiation, gamma, deformed, infrastructure, norfolk, langlely, quantico, englewood, plano, conneticut, pirates, eugenics, rockefeller, chevron, exxon, shell, oil, global warming, gasoline, pipeline, republican pedophiles, child molesters, franklin coverup, scandal, hopsicker, billion years, anthrax, cruise missles, e coli, military, homeland security, bin laden, turkey, iran, carlyle group, new york city, pentagon, ice, crystal, meth

An Introduction to some of the people who control our world

Nations against nations, peoples against peoples. The deceptive illusion that we have real problems. All the while, the architects of each and every theater of tragic drama can be traced to just one family...The Rothschilds. Never before has their been such an utter contempt for humanity, as demonstrated by the unholy union of Satan acting through the willing members of the Rothschild family. The goal, to stamp out all of humanity before mankind wakes up to the truth of this fabricated matrix and discover their true identity. Salvatore J Parisi, Author of the book; "the Matrix of Existence, What is Real?"
An Introduction to the Controllers